Category by Justin


We’re done! At least with chemo…  I can’t stress how happy I am to be able to say that.  It had started taking it’s toll on me mentally because of the physical side effects that started taking hold.  Most recently and most annoyingly the hard veins and chest pains.  I’m proud to say that I’m special!  Heather, my nurse, asked if she could show off my arm to her new colleague because it apparently doesn’t happen to that many people.  YA!  In my left arm, and now my right as well, you can track my vein from wrist to arm pit because it’s rock hard and for parts has a red line on the surface of my skin.  This is very unpleasant to say the least.  The veins are inflamed and react by hardening because of the chemo we are pushing through them...

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As my last treatment approaches I find myself dreaming more and more… about the food, foods I love and haven’t enjoyed for many months now.  My current weight is 155lbs.  Just about where I was when I graduated high school and where I stayed through two years of Thiel while playing soccer and pole vaulting for indoor and outdoor track.  After soccer my sophomore year (Thiel’s first official soccer team, Go Tomcats!) I discovered bottomless cafeteria food and beer and quickly rose to 175lbs where I basically stayed until now.  Well, there was that one time that Elizabeth talked me into doing the South Beach diet with her as a way to make our grocery shopping easier and be supportive.  After 2 weeks she had lost 1-2 lbs. and I had dropped 11...

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Adalyn’s First Birthday Party

Holy Crap – It’s been a year!

First off – THANK YOU to EVERYONE who helped out in any way for this party.  We really couldn’t have done it without you.  We are endlessly grateful to have so many amazing friends and family.

We had Adalyn’s party on June 15th (a week before she actually turns 1) to maximize my time between treatments and take advantage of being over a week removed from the last one.  It worked well, as I was slow but had a great time and got along just fine.  The day started with a whirlwind of activity that had both sets of Grandparents with all hands on deck.  There was cleaning, setting up tables, chairs, canopy and games and picking up food...

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Nana Jones’ Visit

We’ve been getting oodles of support from everyone, especially our amazing Mothers.  Last week it was Nana Jones’ turn.  Task one, overcome Adalyn’s “fear” of grass (see pic below) – Check!

The week went pretty well.  I get a bit slower each time, but was able to work the full week, thanks in part to Nana Jones helping out around the house and allowing Elizabeth and I to relax and enjoy time with Adalyn.  Elizabeth had been a busy little bee with preparations for Adalyn’s birthday party.  We even made time to participate in the Winchester/Frederick Relay for Life which raised over $243,000!!!  It was really amazing to see so many people come together in support of ending a disease that has no discrimination and in some way has affected us all.

Elizabeth, Adalyn and I walked the openi...

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Nana Mistretta’s Visit #2

We’ve been a little late in posting, so time to catch up.  Nana Mistretta came for the week and we kicked it off with a pool party.  Adalyn loves the water and got a kick outta having a pool.  The weekend weather was beautiful and we all had a great time.

Treatment #6 took its toll.  Prior to the treatment the doctor explained that he had been waiting for me to level out where most people are at this point.  Apparently, I was in a very high percentile with how well I was handling the chemo thus far.  That was great news, but it was then followed with “so, you’ll probably feel really bad the rest of the way because it’s finally catching up with you.”  Boy, was he right.  For the first time I missed work on Thursday and only made it till 10:30 a.m...

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PET Scan

Justin’s PET scan was Friday.  We’re really looking forward to the results, hoping that we’ll find out that he’ll need four more chemo treatments rather than eight. A good report would mean that he is halfway through treatment!

Justin is doing great so far.  His fourth treatment went smoothly and he actually experienced fewer

Mother's Day 2013

Mother’s Day 2013

side-effects than the third.  This is likely because we weren’t traveling this time; however, he also did a much better job of balancing rest with activity.  He has come down with a cold over the past week, but he’s hanging in there.  Managing all of the side-effects and other issues that come along is the name of the game...

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The Past Week

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind for Team Mistretta.  It’s been awhile since our last post, so we have a lot to catch you up on!

Two weeks ago Adalyn’s Nana and Papa Jones came for a visit.  They played with her while Justin and I went out to lunch then went into work for a few hours.  We’re both so behind at work that we were thankful for the time to get caught up.  On our way into town we picked up this old wooden high chair at a yard sale.  My goal is to paint it for Adalyn’s first birthday.  I have dreams of her looking so sweet with her smash cake smeared all of her face in this high chair that matches her birthday party theme perfectly (and then I become an overnight Pinterest sensation!) “Dream” is the keyword, but miracles do happen!

On Sunday, we received word that J...

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Hair Today…Gone Tomorow

So, Tuesday began with my normal routine, part of which is my morning shower.  During the shower I noticed a good amount of hair quietly circling then disappearing down the drain.  When I was done, I got out, dried off and stared at myself in the mirror for a moment.  After a slow sigh, I rubbed my head vigorously, the amount of hair accumulating in the sink verified my time had come.  I’ve had an ever growing forehead since not long after college and in recent years the top has begun to thin.  I haven’t had a very good time adapting to this and have clutched my vanity tightly and dearly, but alas, man has hastened what nature had started.  I thought I was going to be ok with it, but at that moment… was not...

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The Hair

Elizabeth Dress

The Do + The Dress = Good lookin lady

As promised, The new do… and new dress.

*Disclaimer: This photo was not approved and/or is not endorsed by Elizabeth Mistretta.  If you have viewed this photo you may be contacted by her lawyers.

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Week One

Eleven days down after my first treatment and things couldn’t be much better.  I experienced no nausea in the days following.  Took Rx one every 12 hours for 3 days and never needed Rx two, which was prescribed for random flareups of nausea at any point.  I felt only minor “fatigue” last weekend, and I even hesitate to call it that.  I didn’t feel 100% but by no means would I classify it as fatigue.  If I had to put a number on it , I’d say Easter Sunday was the lowest the bar went and I only dipped to maybe 75%.  By Tuesday I felt perfectly fine again and have been that way since.  Yes, high fives all around.

My appetite has remained constant so far and I’ve been eating as I normally do, if only a bit more health conscious now...

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