
We’re done! At least with chemo…  I can’t stress how happy I am to be able to say that.  It had started taking it’s toll on me mentally because of the physical side effects that started taking hold.  Most recently and most annoyingly the hard veins and chest pains.  I’m proud to say that I’m special!  Heather, my nurse, asked if she could show off my arm to her new colleague because it apparently doesn’t happen to that many people.  YA!  In my left arm, and now my right as well, you can track my vein from wrist to arm pit because it’s rock hard and for parts has a red line on the surface of my skin.  This is very unpleasant to say the least.  The veins are inflamed and react by hardening because of the chemo we are pushing through them.  They hurt because there are nerves that run along them and get zapped every time I twist my wrist or bend my elbow.  It’s also crappy because it’s hard to hold Adalyn now since the pressure of her weight on my forearm hurts.  I’m trying to teach her to hang on my back like a monkey, but she hasn’t quit gotten the hang of it yet.  The veins will heal in time and all I can do is wait.  I apply moist heat frequently, but that really only helps while it’s on.

The chest pain was a relatively new occurrence starting a 2-3 weeks ago.  I began getting terrible pains in my chest after eating.  I can best describe it by saying it felt like a balloon expanding under my sternum.  Our Dr. said this is common and due to the deterioration of my mucous membranes (those pesky things strike again, fist raised in air as I yell in anger).  Apparently I have lots of little ulcers now lining my esophagus.  They are irritated and become inflamed when I eat which causes them and my esophagus to expand.  Isn’t biology cool!  I’m now taking Prilosec and it’s helping.

A recent, comical side effect is that I’ve noticed my mustache has stopped growing.  Yup, just my stache and also my soul patch.  The rest of my beard, although definitely growing more slowly, is still intact.  From the edges of my lips in, no facial hair.  I’ve found patches of hair loss on my thighs and calves too.  Yes, my eyebrows continue to disappear and yes, it’s starting to look really creepy.  Throughout our marriage Elizabeth randomly has ask me if I would consider “cleaning up” my eyebrows.  I asked her if she’s happy now.  I got the evil eye in return.

But, enough of all that, I’m done with chemo!  The next step is a PET scan in 9-12 weeks and if that is again good it’s followed by a CT scan every 2-3 months for 2 years.  My taste buds should start returning in 3-4 weeks and I’m counting down the days.  I might be counting down the hours or even minutes that this point.  Which reminds me, Elizabeth pointed out that I left Eggs Benedict off my food list.  INCONCEIVABLE! I yelled. (Said in the voice of the character in The Princess Bride)  That should be pretty high on the list and don’t get me started on the smoked salmon eggs benedict that I enjoyed while visiting Davenport in Charleston, SC.  Oh, the Glory!

I just want to thank everyone again for all the support, thoughts and prayers.  It really means A LOT to Elizabeth and I to know so many people care.  We’ve closed another chapter in this book and I have a feeling the next one if going to be much better.

Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

2 comments to Finally

  • Ned Olinger  says:

    Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. We know that you guys are strong and will make it through all of this–

  • Kathy and Bill  says:

    Justin and Elizabeth,
    It is great to read that the chemo part of your recovery is done and we continue to pray for strength for the both of you to get through these nasty side effects. You are both amazing and so blessed with such great support from family and friends:-)
    Bill and Kathy Jena

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