Nana Jones’ Visit

We’ve been getting oodles of support from everyone, especially our amazing Mothers.  Last week it was Nana Jones’ turn.  Task one, overcome Adalyn’s “fear” of grass (see pic below) – Check!

The week went pretty well.  I get a bit slower each time, but was able to work the full week, thanks in part to Nana Jones helping out around the house and allowing Elizabeth and I to relax and enjoy time with Adalyn.  Elizabeth had been a busy little bee with preparations for Adalyn’s birthday party.  We even made time to participate in the Winchester/Frederick Relay for Life which raised over $243,000!!!  It was really amazing to see so many people come together in support of ending a disease that has no discrimination and in some way has affected us all.

Elizabeth, Adalyn and I walked the opening lap of the night as I proudly wore my “Survivor” pin and she wore her “Caregiver” pin.  Participants from each team walked laps for 12 hours that night!

Entertaining side note – I am now loosing eyelashes.  Just a bit creepy looking.  Not so entertaining side note – my veins are getting harder and it’s moving further up my arm.  Not cool, but only 2 more to go!


Who’s afraid of grass? Not this kid!


Winchester/Frederick Relay For Life


Walk a full lap… I got this! Next up, Pole Vault!


Winchester/Frederick Relay For Life


Adalyn inspecting the birthday props Nana and Papa Jones made.


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