Nana Mistretta’s Visit #2

We’ve been a little late in posting, so time to catch up.  Nana Mistretta came for the week and we kicked it off with a pool party.  Adalyn loves the water and got a kick outta having a pool.  The weekend weather was beautiful and we all had a great time.

Treatment #6 took its toll.  Prior to the treatment the doctor explained that he had been waiting for me to level out where most people are at this point.  Apparently, I was in a very high percentile with how well I was handling the chemo thus far.  That was great news, but it was then followed with “so, you’ll probably feel really bad the rest of the way because it’s finally catching up with you.”  Boy, was he right.  For the first time I missed work on Thursday and only made it till 10:30 a.m. on Friday, then Saturday hit me outta nowhere.  I felt like I had 100lbs. strapped to my back and just walking from room to room made me loose my breath.

This was actually not the worst of it.  As my body breaks down further I’m now experiencing hardening of my veins.  The chemo causes your veins to harden as a reaction to the chemicals being pushed through them. It’s basically a reaction to an irritant.  For several days I had a red stripe running up my forearm along the vein they used.  The vein then got hard in spots and the hardness causes pain.  I used a hot moist compress and that helps some, but for the most part I just need to deal with it.  On a lighter side, my eyebrows are thinning dramatically and it actually doesn’t look too bad since I had the eyebrows of a cro-magnon man.

Preparations for Adalyn’s 1st birthday are coming along well and we can’t wait for the big party!  Till next time.


Fun in the sun with Mom


Adalyn + Pool = FUN TIMES!


Who’s a cool cat?


So cute they were able to talk Dad into joining in the fun


Backyard fun with Nana M.


She’s already a Pearl Jam fan!


Adalyn apparently likes the feel of my shaved head… on her tongue.


One last story before bedtime.


Time to hope the train home once again.


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