Rockin It

Where to start… Thank you all for your responses to our great news!  Although I’m in remission, this week has reminded me that I still have a ways to go.  3 more treatments to be exact.  This last one was and still is a bit challenging.  I thankfully, again, had little nausea thu-fri, but the fatigue is really starting to set in.  I’m still feeling the affects now over a week later.  It’s annoying to say the least and it forces Elizabeth to do that much more for that much longer.  I’m really gona have to come up with an amazing “Thank You” for her once this is truly behind us.

Other than that, not much new to report on the chemo front.  My taste buds have all but given up at this point.  Food is either tasteless or completely off but my appetite is still good so I haven’t lost much weight to this point. One odd thing is not only do I tire easily, but I’m really weak.  Normal things are annoyingly heavy now.  I’m also starting to stretch my muscles a lot because they are growing increasingly tighter.  Hamstrings and calves especially.  I assume this is a combination of loss of muscle mass and drastically decreased activity.

Well, enough of the standard update.  Let’s get to the fun stuff.  Jason and Boettner came to visit the weekend prior to my last treatment.  They relaxed and hung out as well as accompanied me to a music festival. It was a lot of much needed fun.  We grilled out Sat night and gave Adalyn her first beer.  She already likes dark microbrews… That’s Daddy’s little girl!  Sunday was the festival.  I discovered that a place called Shiley Acres was a huge concert venue in the 70’s-80’s and was reopened last summer.  It also happens to be about 10 minutes from my house.  The festival was 3 local bands, none of which were too bad.  The headliner was Chevelle, which I’m a pretty big fan of.  The show was a lot of fun.  It was cloudy all day but didn’t rain and that actually helped keep the heat in check enough to stay comfortable.  The band sounded a bit off but the sound guys were on it and after a few songs all was good to go.  Their set was especially fun because they played several songs from each of their 5 latest albums. It took all the strength I had to not A) push up to the front and let loose and B) Crowd surf.  The only thing that truly prevented the crowd surfing was the guarantee of Elizabeth’s 100% disappointment upon returning home.  She will want me to point out, it’s not because she doesn’t want me to do it rather if I did and managed to get hurt in even the smallest way, I could potentially not recover very well due to my only having one white blood cell left.  Poor, lonely, Ichabod.  He’s really taking the loss of Rouel hard, but I try to keep his spirits up.

The only down side to the weekend is the Pens decided to lose the only game of the series that night.  They even decided to rub it in making us stay up late, and taking it to double overtime before losing.  Annoying as it was, that’s in the past now.  The Bruins are next on their road to a 4th Cup.

We slept in just a bit on Monday then got breakfast before the guys left for PA.  Adalyn had all the waitresses eating out of her hand as usual.

Thanks again guys for coming down and Thank all of you for the thoughts and prayers.  Keep them going just a bit longer and all of this will be behind us.

Adalyn's first beer.

Adalyn’s first beer.

Jason's babysitting technique was unorthodox, but seemed to get the job done
Jason’s babysitting technique was unorthodox, but seemed to get the job done
Hey guys, since I have cancer, will plant the flowers for Elizabeth?

Hey guys, since I have cancer, will you plant the flowers for Elizabeth?

Not sure which is more creepy, the roadie who photobombed us or Jason licking his beer can

Not sure which is more creepy, the roadie who photobombed us or Jason licking his beer can

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

John, Jason and Justin

John, Jason and Justin

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

Chevelle at Shiley Acres

Breakfast with the boys

Breakfast with the boys

2 comments to Rockin It

  • Janine  says:

    Keep staying strong! Take care!! Many hugs, prayers, and thoughts to all of you!

  • Brian Davenport  says:

    First off, great to hear you are doing well and that you are keeping yourself surrounded by positive people (minus Jason) and going out for good times and music. Hope all is well this weekend. Jealous…I need one of those Fat Heads t-shirts I saw in your picture! BTW – Jason’s babysitting techniques are all the rage these days. Hugs to your wife. Say hey to Boettner for me too.

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