PET Scan

Justin’s PET scan was Friday.  We’re really looking forward to the results, hoping that we’ll find out that he’ll need four more chemo treatments rather than eight. A good report would mean that he is halfway through treatment!

Justin is doing great so far.  His fourth treatment went smoothly and he actually experienced fewer

Mother's Day 2013

Mother’s Day 2013

side-effects than the third.  This is likely because we weren’t traveling this time; however, he also did a much better job of balancing rest with activity.  He has come down with a cold over the past week, but he’s hanging in there.  Managing all of the side-effects and other issues that come along is the name of the game.  It’s much harder to get over a cold or any other issue that your immune system would usually take care of  when you’re going through chemo, so we just work through it and take the issues as they come.

Justin and Adalyn spoiled me for Mother’s Day.

I wasn’t sure what to expect since Mother’s Day fell on the weekend after his treatment, but it ended up being really nice.  Adalyn sent me a dozen beautiful roses to work on Friday,

Toss the baby!

Toss the baby!

proof that this child is truly gifted! Justin made me an appointment for a much needed massage on Saturday morning.  It. Was. Heavenly.  Then, my parents and sister came later that afternoon and really pitched in around the house.  We all cleaned, taking turns playing with Adalyn, and Justin even got in a nap.  My mom brought a bunch of freezer meals that she had prepared the night before.   Those have been really great this week.  It is so nice not having to even think about dinner!

On Sunday, we went to church and then out to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.  Adalyn fell asleep on the way to breakfast and stayed asleep until I was finished eating my pancakes.  This may have been my greatest Mother’s Day gift.  There are days when I feel like I will never get to eat another meal in peace.  She woke up with just enough time to finish off the pancakes and flash her bright smile and pretty blue eyes at all of the people in the restaurant.

I made Elizabeth come to bed before she could finish this post last night (at 10:30 – What the heck are you doing Sweetie!?).  Anyways, comically enough, it’s now 10:30 on Friday and I’m the one typing rather than going to bed.  Going to bed has a slightly different meaning of late, we went up stairs last night at 10:30 but we didn’t go to sleep

Adalyn's Mother's Day Flowers

Adalyn’s Mother’s Day Flowers

until 2:30… someone is getting/got 2 more teeth and this week has been rough to say the least.  That high pitched scream just breaks my heart and that look of, please do something about this pain doesn’t help either.  Hopefully we can have a good weekend.

Nana and Papa Jones rocked it last weekend.  They and Kim were a well-oiled cleaning machine!  Then adding in the premade meals – marvelous! It was topped off with Adalyn being thoughtful enough to get Nana Jones Mother’s Day gifts too.

As Elizabeth said, my nausea-ish wasn’t nearly as bad or last as long this treatment, but the fatigue seems to be seeping in a bit more.  I just have to stay conscious of it and not do too much.  It’s an odd feeling to go up two flights of stairs and be winded.  Elizabeth did mention my cold but failed to point out the ulcer that had it’s own

zip code.  With chemo, one affected system is your mucous membrane, which means from the mouth all the way to the…well, never mind.  I am diligent with

Nana Jones and Adalyn

Nana Jones and Adalyn

rinsing after every snack (salt, baking soda and water mixture) and brushing after every meal, but 2 ulcers formed after the 3rd treatment.  While seeing the Dr. before my 4th treatment, he braced me for most likely having to deal with it for the remainder of chemo and just trying to keep the pain in check.  This is because my white blood cell count is so low, also why the cold is being stubborn.  Well, after getting tired of crying through meals, I told what ever white blood cells I have left to man up!  Ichabod and Rouel must have heard me.  They tied up their boot straps, marched upstairs and gave those ulcers hell.  I don’t think Rouel made it, but his sacrifice was not in vein.  I am ulcer free!

My PET scan was yesterday morning.  In what seems to be the running theme, the tech had to stick me twice to get the IV in… I not longer have a witty comment for this.  It’s just stupid at this point.  Anyways, the scan went well.  Radioactive liquid injected into my blood stream – Check.  Now I’ll just sit back and wait for my super powers to develop.

We’ll get the results from the scan on Wed. before my 5th treatment.  Wish us luck.

The Pens took a 2-0 lead in the series, fueled by a Crosby Hat Trick.  The weekend is off to a good start.  Now, if I can just win that ridiculous Powerball tomorrow we’ll all be set!  Anyone who reads this better go buy at least one ticket.  600 Million…

3 Generations! Kim, Adalyn, Debbie and Elizabeth

3 Generations! Kim, Adalyn, Debbie and Elizabeth

Some body has to win.  Why not you?  Good Luck!

*Adalyn asked that I make a correction, she sent her Mommy 18 roses, not 12.

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