The Past Week

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind for Team Mistretta.  It’s been awhile since our last post, so we have a lot to catch you up on!

Two weeks ago Adalyn’s Nana and Papa Jones came for a visit.  They played with her while Justin and I went out to lunch then went into work for a few hours.  We’re both so behind at work that we were thankful for the time to get caught up.  On our way into town we picked up this old wooden high chair at a yard sale.  My goal is to paint it for Adalyn’s first birthday.  I have dreams of her looking so sweet with her smash cake smeared all of her face in this high chair that matches her birthday party theme perfectly (and then I become an overnight Pinterest sensation!) “Dream” is the keyword, but miracles do happen!

On Sunday, we received word that Justin’s Aunt Arelene, or Annie, as he liked to call her, passed away overnight.  This was a shock to the whole family and was so sad to see such a well-loved woman leave our world too soon.  There is a picture of her from our wedding in the gallery below.  We were glad that the arrangements were made for Friday and Saturday because we were able to make the trip home to say goodbye and support Justin’s mom as she goes through this tough time.

Jim and Annie at Elizabeth & Justin's wedding - 2007

Jim and Annie at Elizabeth & Justin’s wedding – 2007

On Wednesday, Justin had his third chemo treatment.  He did great, as usual, and the doctor is very pleased with his progress.  We met a really sweet older man who we talked with through most of our time there.  I think Justin has found a new buddy in Jack.  He was a farmer in Clark County, VA for may years and is now fighting cancer in his lungs and colon (I think). He talked about his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, life on the farm and the many, many changes he’s seen in this area over his very full life.  He was so kind and positive, even after going through chemo for the past four months.  He was really inspiring and just a really neat person to meet.

On Friday we hit the road toward Pennsyvania/Ohio to celebrate Annie’s life.  The goal was to get to Justin’s parents’ house, change and then head 40 minutes west into Ohio for the calling hours.  It must have been our pre-baby brains that were making those plans, because our trip took 2.5 hours longer than normal. We went straight to the funeral home, arriving just 15 minutes before calling hours were over.  Luckily, Adalyn is the best baby ever and was a trooper throughout, even putting up with a complete outfit change in a Sheetz restroom due to a sizable blowout.  The next morning we headed out early for the funeral.  Justin was a pallbearer and did two readings at the mass.  He did a really great

Damian, Justin, Ricky and Annie - 1979

Damian, Justin, Ricky and Annie – 1979

job with both.  Throughout his first reading, Adalyn kept saying DaDaDaDaDa over and over again, loud enough for everyone to hear.  I think it helped to lighten the mood.  It was a tough day, but a beautiful one, too.  Annie was loved by so many people and will be greatly missed.

Thank you, Elizabeth.  I’ll add some from here.

Mimi and Annie, Christmas - 1996

Mimi and Annie, Christmas – 1996

I’m not gona lie, this past weekend was a bit rough.  Between the much longer than normal travel time and the heightened emotions, things got a bit hard.  I can’t express how much I love, admire, appreciate, and am in awe over how much Elizabeth does for me and our family.  I am BLESSED.  She even makes sure she has enough left over to put in 110% every day at work.  I don’t know how she does it and I wish she didn’t need to.  The days after this 3rd treatment went about the same, just a bit heightened.  The feeling of being on the verge of nausea at all times is a bit taxing and I was a bit more tired this time, but all in all I can’t complain too much.  I haven’t been actually nauseous yet and the fatigue wears off pretty well by Tuesday morning.  Elizabeth forgot to mention that the nurse, once again decided it was a good idea to use the vein that didn’t cooperate the first time… It still wasn’t in the mood and after some digging she moved to a more accepting spot.  She promised that she won’t do that again.  Time will tell.

Annie and Paul at Elizabeth & Justin's wedding - 2007

Annie and Paul at Elizabeth & Justin’s wedding – 2007

Many people are going to have an empty place in their hearts after the loss of Annie.  I haven’t had a lot of contact with her or my Uncle Rick as time has gone on and families grow apart with age, but I have many great memories from before life getting too busy.  My Uncle Paul did an amazing job sharing for a bit at her funeral.  Some of the memories he mentioned sparked a whirlwind of my own memories from childhood.  4th of July parties were the best!  So many family members would travel to Annie and Uncle Ricky’s for the day long festivities.  I was the youngest by a good bit until my cousin Tyler came along and my

Nana and Papa, cousins, aunts and uncles would seemingly take turns entertaining me.  This involved being in the pool about 90% of the day.  (I always had to wait 30 minutes to get back in after eating.) We played wiffle ball in the front yard, swam in the back and ate till the sun went down.  I think the only time I wasn’t in the pool was for the adult volley ball game which seemed to get a bit intense at times.  Then the perfect ending, on the way home my parents and I would stop at the fireworks store, since you could buy them in Ohio but not PA.  Christmas parties were much the same, minus the swimming.  Annie and Uncle Ricky always got me awesome gifts; Nintendo games, Transformers and He-Man! What more could a kid ask for?

Jill and Paul's wedding - 1987

Jill and Paul’s wedding – 1987

I remember my kitchen, a long time ago, with the old painted cabinets, yellow linoleum floor and heavy red rugs.  The rug in front of the sink was heart shaped and many nights my Mom would sit in the dim light on the floor talking to Annie.  She was sitting on the floor because our primitive rotary phone had a cord that anchored its user to the wall.  Boy, how times have changed.  I think they would even end the conversation with “Well, the long distance bill is probably getting high, so goodnight.”

I knew Annie as a caring, gentle person and a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt and friend.  She was and is loved and will be missed.

5 comments to The Past Week

  • Janine  says:

    I love reading your posts! You both are amazing and a true example of such a loving couple!!

  • Dug!  says:

    So sorry to hear about your Aunt, Justin 🙁

  • Irene Mistretta  says:

    Beautiful tribute to Annie, (have read and reread several times) your memories “sparked” many more memories of mine, you now have another angel to watch over you thru your journey.

  • Kathy Takacs  says:

    Thanks Justin and Elizabeth for your posts, and I also want to say a big thank you for all the nice pics and kind words that you posted about Arlene.Like your Mom said another angel Justin to follow you during your journey.May God bless all of you. Love Aunt Kathy

  • Bill and Kathy  says:

    Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Ma and Pa Mistretta give us an update after mass on Sundays 🙂

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