Hair Today…Gone Tomorow

So, Tuesday began with my normal routine, part of which is my morning shower.  During the shower I noticed a good amount of hair quietly circling then disappearing down the drain.  When I was done, I got out, dried off and stared at myself in the mirror for a moment.  After a slow sigh, I rubbed my head vigorously, the amount of hair accumulating in the sink verified my time had come.  I’ve had an ever growing forehead since not long after college and in recent years the top has begun to thin.  I haven’t had a very good time adapting to this and have clutched my vanity tightly and dearly, but alas, man has hastened what nature had started.  I thought I was going to be ok with it, but at that moment… was not.  Not so much for the hair staring back from its toothpaste and shave gel stained grave but, more for the idea that this is the first visual manifestation of the poison I’ve been politely allowing a cute young nurse to put in my arm every other week.

Boy, that got kinda serious… That’s not why you guys came here, is it?  I bet you came here for the pictures!  Well, I won’t stand in your way.  Enjoy!


Hmmmm, Adalyn, should we cut Dad’s hair?


No, Dad, I think we should play Baby Toss!


Adalyn, is Mom ready?


That’s the face of a serious barber


Why did I never do this in High School?


Who’s got 2 thumbs and simply oozes sweetness? This guy!


All Gone!


8 comments to Hair Today…Gone Tomorow

  • Jason  says:

    You look good with a shaved head!

  • Debbie Jones  says:

    Justin you can totally rock the mohawk:-) Elizabeth you certainly have many talents:-)Great job!!!

  • Aunt Bernie & Uncle Bob  says:

    Sorry about your hair, Justin. You do bear a striking resemblence to Matt Lauer now and shaved heads are very “in” nowadays. Hang in there! Love you.

  • Brian Davenport  says:

    I love that your daughter is also peering around to see what her mother is doing to your head. It appears she is quite curious. 🙂

  • Mom  says:

    What can I say – still handsome, just continue to stay strong and positive and everything will be “good again” Mom

  • Uncle Paul  says:

    Looks good ,you look like half the kids that play on Ty’s soccer team should’ve kept the mohawk, the team is leaving for Spain in 3 weeks,might want to bust the boots out of the closet and give Ty a call

  • Aunt jill  says:

    Wow You are one handsome guy ! just focus on being done with this and how THICK that head of hair is going to grow back. Love you and. Thinking of you ! Xxoo

  • Melissa B  says:

    Love the Mohawk!! You rock a shaved head Justin!! I love it!!

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