Where’s Nana Mistretta going?


Nana, Adalyn and Tucker on their daily walk

Adalyn’s Nana Mistretta stayed for a visit last week.  Adalyn had fun with her.  She got to stay home from daycare and they went on daily walks to enjoy the beautiful weather.  Justin and I got regular photo updates throughout each day, Nanas are so high-tech these days!  We were afraid that Adalyn would become a bit spoiled, but Nana did a great job keeping her  in a routine.  Justin and I took advantage of the in-home childcare and went on a date to The Melting Pot in Reston on Tuesday.  It was so much fun.  The night was a big splurge for us, but it was really nice to spend some time together just the two of us.  He even brought me flowers when he picked me up from work.  On Friday, Mom even conquered her fears by driving Adalyn into Winchester for dinner after work.  She took a train home in the late afternoon on Saturday.  It was a really neat experience for her.  The station is just a short drive from our house and she had a train car all to herself.  Mom arrived safely in Pittsburgh before midnight where Nana Mistretta I and Dad were waiting to drive her home.  It appeared that a good week was had by all, Adalyn and her Nana Mistretta in particular.  Justin and I had a bit of a reprieve from the busyness of the work week with a little help around the house and Adalyn and her Nana got some serious QT.





…No caption necessary


Date Night


What a fun week!

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All Aboard!

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