We’ve Completed the First Quarter!

Justin had his second chemo treatment yesterday.  In oncology vocabulary, he has completed his first cycle. Each cycle has two treatments and we’re hoping for four total cycles.  If we’re talking in football terms, we’ve finished the first quarter and are hoping to finish the game without overtime.  At halftime (after 4 treatments or 2 cycles), Justin will have a PET scan to determine how well we’re winning the game.  In the treatment of Hodgkin’s, the PET scan (according to the oncologist) is uniquely helpful in effectively predicting  how many cycles Justin will need to reach cure.  Let’s hope that our season is more like the Steelers of ’08 and less like the Steelers of ’12.

Since Justin’s mom is here with us for the week, she went with him for chemo.  Everything with his treatment was routine; bloodwork first, see the doctor and then chemo.  He has been a bit tired and feeling “off” since then, but otherwise is feeling good.  With the nice weather, he may have been a bit too active after the chemo and worn himself down a bit.  We had dinner on the deck that night and Justin and Adalyn enjoyed their cucumbers, as seen below, and we all enjoyed the fresh air.  The arrival of Spring couldn’t have happened at a better time.  It sure does lift your spirits to have the sun shining and the windows open.

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