Week One

Eleven days down after my first treatment and things couldn’t be much better.  I experienced no nausea in the days following.  Took Rx one every 12 hours for 3 days and never needed Rx two, which was prescribed for random flareups of nausea at any point.  I felt only minor “fatigue” last weekend, and I even hesitate to call it that.  I didn’t feel 100% but by no means would I classify it as fatigue.  If I had to put a number on it , I’d say Easter Sunday was the lowest the bar went and I only dipped to maybe 75%.  By Tuesday I felt perfectly fine again and have been that way since.  Yes, high fives all around.

My appetite has remained constant so far and I’ve been eating as I normally do, if only a bit more health conscious now.  The only real thing I can say has “changed” thus far from the chemo is that my tongue has a constant tingle on its tip.  Very odd sensation.  I assume it’s from all the screams as my taste buds slowly die off.  Watching in horror as another one bites the dust, wondering when their turn will come.

Elizabeth, my rock, has been making me her own spin on “green monster” shakes.  She’s adding protein (it’s recommended to take in a good amount of protein while on chemo) with lots of spinach and tons of fruits (berries, mostly) and tops it off with plain greek yogurt.  It’s actually not bad at all.  I’m teaming that with cod liver oil and high (50 Billion) count probiotics.  You need to be very diligent with taking care of your mouth during chemo.  I brush after every major meal and Elizabeth made me a mouth wash with salt and baking soda that I use after every snack.

All in all, I can’t complain one bit about how things have gone thus far.  Elizabeth and I are both working longer hours to try and make up for lost time at our jobs, which isn’t fun and a bit tiring, but we’re getting by for the most part.  She worked on Saturday and is doing work right now in bed after feeding Adalyn for the night.


Adalyn with Nana and Papa at Veramar Vineyards, Berryville, VA


Two Proud Papas

My parents came to visit for the weekend but, sadly, Elizabeth had to put in extra time at work, so the three of us took Adalyn to Veramar Vineyards and relaxed for a bit.  It was a gorgeous day and Adalyn flirted with employees and patrons alike.  Elizabeth and I are members of the Estate Club, which gets you a discount as well as, for a  fee, reserves you two bottles of wine each quarter.  To make a long story short, we apparently haven’t been there to pick up our wine in several years!  Our wine shelf is now FULLY stocked if anyone wants to come party.

Sunday was an even nicer day outside.  Dad left to go back to PA, but Mom is staying for the week.  We’ll try not to work her too hard.  We all cleaned the house a bit. I washed and cleaned one of the cars, Nana (that’s still funny to say) took Tucker and Adalyn for a long walk and Elizabeth got a haircut… picture coming soon : )

Not sure what the actual temp was, but it was t-shirt and shorts weather and all were happy.  I remembered to even put on sunscreen.  Another side effect of chemo is higher sensitivity to UV.  Just in time for summer, hot dog!  We even grilled out and ate on the deck.  Adalyn enjoyed bread, grilled pineapple and avocado. photo(3)photo I don’t think much went down but she did have fun rolling it all around in her mouth for the bulk of the meal.

Wednesday will mark my second treatment.  Here’s hoping the next one goes as well as the first one!

One comment to Week One

  • The Leips in Germany  says:

    Sounds like just the support you need and perfect timing! We will help you make room for more wine on the shelf… and bring you a German one or two for variety.
    Glad to hear that the first Q is over and you are handling side effects well- hope that this predicts a good rest “of the game” and that you are still strong at the end of the 4th.
    Rest when you can and hug each other for us! Love ya- The Leips

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