Our First Post


We hate to brag, but we think our family is beautiful.  Who wouldn’t with such a happy and healthy little girl?  Adalyn has been a true joy to us over the past nine months.  Becoming parents and raising a daughter has already been an incredible journey and everyday shows us that being parents will only get better.  While we thought we knew the path that we were on, our path has taken a sudden and recent turn. With Justin’s recent diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the past two months have been full of appointments, tests and surgery.  Chemo starts on Wednesday and the next few months are going to be challenging.  We thought we knew what Adalyn’s first year might consist of, and we always knew that there would be many unknowns; however, we never thought that cancer would be a part of it.  Although the “C” word is scary, and we know that this is not going to be easy or how we envisioned, we can’t help but still feel blessed.  After all, this beautiful little girl might just be the best medicine. We hope that you will follow along with us on this journey.  It is sure to be full of many challenges, but hopefully even more love and laughter.Adalyn

One comment to Our First Post

  • Cindy Cochran  says:

    Hey.. Just reading this… I had no idea … How can I help?? I will be praying for healing and peace for all of you!!! Please do not hesitate to call!!!

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